Генеральный спонсор
Компания Sandoz

Европейская конфедерация по медицинской микологии

Конгресс поддержан
Европейской конфедерацией
по медицинской микологии

Information for International Participants

Dear colleagues, we are happy to invite you for participation in Third International Mycological Forum, which will take place in Moscow, Russia, on April 14 and 15, 2015. The Forum is summoned by All-Russian National Academy of Mycology, the leading mycological society of Eurasia.

As a tradition of Russian hospitality and friendship, we again set the attendance and participation free of charge for all invited international speakers. We also offer free registration and participation for all members of European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) and International Mycological Society (IMA), the international organizations allied with our Russian Academy.

The official languages of the Forum are Russian and English. The keynote lectures and most breakout sessions will be delivered in Russian. Translation may be provided for special sessions with international invited speakers. Paper submission in English is acceptable for international speakers outside CIS.

Keynote lectures

Several keynote lectures will be provided during the Forum:

  • International scientific community and the sustainable development of mycology
  • Global climate changes as a challenge to fungi and human society
  • New findings in antifungal defense mechanisms common to plants, animals and humans
  • Fungal biotechnology as renevable energy source

Breakout sessions

The breakout sessions are composed with invited lectures and free presentations, submitted by Forum delegates. Topics will include:

  1. Fungal systematics and evolution
  2. Morphology, ontogenesis and structure of fungi
  3. Fungal phisiology and biochemistry
  4. Yeast biology Биология дрожжей
  5. Fungal biodiversity and preservation
  6. Fungal collections
  7. Ecology of fungi
  8. Fungi in human ecology
  9. Fungi of the extremes
  10. Fungal biodestruction
  11. Symbiosis of fungi and plants
  12. Lichenology
  13. Phytopathogenic fungi
  14. Fungicides and biopesticides
  15. Medicinal fungi
  16. Fungal biotechnology
  17. Fungal pharmacology
  18. Mycotoxins and mushroom poisoning
  19. Veterinary mycology
  20. Medical mycology: dermatomycoses and mucocutaneous candidosis
  21. Medical mycology: deep and invasive mycoses

In addition to regular breakout sessions, round-table discussions on standards in diagnosis and treatment of fungal infestions, symposia and workshops, forum meeting of young mycologists and a session of award winners are planned.

Proposals for international participation should be directed before February 1, 2015 to the Organizing Committee. For guidelines on registration and abstract submission please use translate service.

Forum organizers do not yet provide travel grants to International speakers.

Междисциплинарный микологический форум 2015.  Москва, 14-15 апреля 2015 г.  Центральный Дом Ученых РАН